What is Sports Medicine Rehab?

Many of our expert therapists understand what it means to miss a game and be sidelined from an injury. The instinct is to play anyway but what ends up happening is delaying the return to sport.

Calgary’s Quality Sport Medicine and Sport Physiotherapy services will focus on analyzing your injury, understanding the mechanics of your body, and creating a program to return you to play quickly but safely. Stronger and better than before. Many sports medicine specialists will agree that a strong rehab program prior to return to play is of paramount in an athletes journey.

Many individuals can be involved in your sports rehab journey such as a sports medicine physician, sports physical therapist, or a chiropractor specializing in sports rehab!

Our expert Physiotherapists at Market Mall Physio & Chiro in Calgary North West develop a program to target your pain, function, strength, and symmetry prior to returning you to the game.

With different techniques like sport physical therapy, taping, dry needling, massage therapy, shockwave therapy, exercise therapy, chiropractic care, advanced education programs and sport specific drills, you can return to play with confidence. Injuries can be always happening, but setting up your body to be preventative will be key to reducing your risk to injury!

Our expert Physiotherapists at Market Mall Physio & Chiro in Calgary North West develop a program to target your pain, function, strength, and symmetry prior to returning you to the game. With different techniques like sport physical therapy, taping, dry needling, massage therapy, shockwave therapy, exercise therapy, chiropractic care, advanced education programs and sport specific drills, you can return to play with confidence. Injuries can be always happening, but setting up your body to be preventative will be key to reducing your risk to injury!

  • Injured during your tournament?
  • Future injury prevention and returning to your sport?
  • Acute injury management if it stops you from playing one more game?
  • Not sure how to train during your injury?
  • Pain management if it stops your form playing
  • Work-related injuries?
  • Help in injury recovery?
  • Want to enjoy an active life with a healthy lifestyle?
  • Growth and overuse injuries?

Injuries happen all the time but you shouldn’t have to let the injury dictate your athletic career. Find a program in your nearest area in NW Calgary that not only works for you but also ensures that you return to your sport with full confidence!

Clean, Safe and Secure

Market Mall Physio & Chiro , your health is our number one priority so we’ve redesigned our clinic and safety protocols to keep you and our team safe.​

  • Appointments required
  • Masks required
  • Staff wears masks
  • Staff gets temperature checks
  • Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits

Common Injuries Successfully Treated With Sports Physiotherapy In Calgary NW

  • Ligament Sprains
  • Bone Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Subluxations
  • Acute Injury
  • Workplace Injuries
  • Brain Injury
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Achilles Tear
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Jaw pain
  • Balance Disorders
  • Knee Injuries
  • Muscle Injuries
  • Contusions
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • SLAP Injuries
  • Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
  • Positional Vertigo
  • Motion Issues

Will Sport Rehabilitation Help Me?

You may benefit from sports physiotherapy if you are experiencing any of the following issues:


Accidents can happen in any sport and a fracture can be one of those accidents. If you have a broken bone, this will limit your ability to return to sport and you will need a guided rehab prior to returning.

Ligament Injury

Soft tissue injuries such as ligament injuries can be frequent in sport as the increased intensity coupled with fatigue can set up the body for this type of injury.

Chronic Pain

Pain during sport can sometimes gradually appear and become chronic in nature. Nagging pain can influence your performance and ability to play.


Another common condition that can occur with contact sport. “When in doubt, sit them out”. Concussion is an injury that needs to be taken care of immediately and requires a guided return to play.

Muscle Strain

Muscles are strong movers of the body. However, in certain situations they may be stretched past their capacity therefore leading to injury.


A muscle contusion (or muscle bruise) is an injury that damages the muscle fibres, nerves, and blood vessels in the area. A common area we see is quadricep muscle..

Online Treatment Also Available

Although Video Consultations aren’t a new service, it may be new to you. And you may have some concerns or questions that need to be answered before you start treatment. Consider our no charge video consult where you will get all of your questions answered by a registered physiotherapist.

9 Things to Do If You Have a Sports Injury

By doing these 9 things, you can set yourself up better for sports rehabilitation.  
Just remember: P-E-A-C-E & L-O-V-E


Avoid activities and movements that will increase your pain! First few days of your injury are typically the most painful.


Elevate your injured limb higher than your heart. This will help with the initial inflammatory process and improve your injury.


Anti-Inflammatories can have their place however they can sometimes reduce tissue healing. Speak with your doctor before reaching for these!


Use elastic bandage or taping to help reduce swelling. Be cautious of how tight your wrapping is – you do not want to cut off circulation to the area.


Learn about your injury with research or consult a professional. Do not apply unnecessary treatment that may do more harm than good.


Use pain as a guide for your movement. Your body will let you know when it is ok to move and when it is not.


Stay positive after an injury. Condition your brain for optimal recovery by being confident and positive!


Choose pain free cardiovascular activities to increase blood flow to repairing tissues.


Restore mobility, strength, and proprioception by adopting an active approach to recovery!

Areas We Serve:

Our patients come from all across Calgary including:

Frequently Asked Questions

Bring your doctor’s referral if you have one. Though it is not necessary for sports rehabilitation, your insurance provider may require you to have a doctor’s referral for your coverage benefits. Bring along forms that your insurance provider may require. Otherwise, bring a pair of shorts or tank top to allow our expert therapist to take a closer look at the injury!

This is very dependent on the injury. Typically rehab can take anywhere from 1 – 2 weeks to 12 months depending on the extent of the injury. For example, after an ACL surgery, your rehab journey might take up to 12 months but a minor strain can be resolved quickly.

Typically, yes, but not always. The number of visits depends on the severity of your condition and the rehabilitation plan for your case. Your compliance to your treatment program also affects the length and success of your rehabilitation.

Until you see us, and we are better able to assess the injury it is often a good idea to try using the R.I.C.E. principle (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation above the heart). This isn’t to say that all injuries need ice, but it will often help in the reduction of swelling in the acute phase and help with pain. Ice should be applied for 10-15 minutes up to once an hour, but should not be applied for more than 20 minutes at a time because this can reverse the effects.

​If you are dealing with a long-standing problem, or you have tried icing and you did not feel any improvement and you do not see any signs of acute swelling then you may want to try application of heat to the area. However, it is still important to consult an expert before you do either of these.

Market Mall Physio & Chiro

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Clinic Hours:

Monday            8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday           8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Thursday         8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday               8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Saturday         9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday            Closed 

Insurance Covered Physiotherapy, Chiropractor. Direct Billing is available for additional insurance coverage.