So what exactly is pelvic health physiotherapy? This is where we get a little nerdy!
A client of mine thought it was normal to leak urine while sneezing, coughing and running after having 3 kids. She never heard of pelvic health physiotherapy and has never done kegels before. After attending pelvic health physiotherapy, she learned to do pelvic floor exercises correctly and no longer experiences urinary stress incontinence. This was life changing for her!
Pelvic health physiotherapy can help treat a wide variety of issues such as urinary stress incontinence mentioned above but also pelvic organ prolapse, painful intercourse, pre and post natal care, rectus diastasus (separation of the abdominals), and pain within the pelvic area.
So, are muscles are too tight or too weak?
This is where pelvic health physiotherapists come in. We are highly trained physiotherapists that are specialized in treating pelvic floor dysfunction. Our practice includes both external and internal physiotherapy to determine if muscles are too tight or too weak. (Spoiler alert… Kegels are not always the answer!)
Why internal you might ask?
An internal exam allows the pelvic floor physiotherapist to assess the strength, tone, endurance and coordination of the pelvic floor as well as checking for tenderness on palpation and presence of pelvic organ prolapse. These assessment details can only be confirmed with an internal exam which is important to create an individualized treatment approach and find the root cause of the issue.
Why is our pelvic floor important?
It’s imperative that you manage your pelvic floor problems NOW. Just like any other muscle in your body.. Use it or lose it!
If you don’t take the time to strengthen your pelvic muscles now, then it could lead to bigger problems like.
Why is our pelvic floor important?
It’s imperative that you manage your pelvic floor problems NOW. Just like any other muscle in your body. Use it or lose it!
If you don’t take the time to strengthen your pelvic muscles now, then it could lead to bigger problems like.
- Back pain or tailbone pain
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Urinary stress incontinence or fecal incontinence
- Painful intercourse
A strong and connected pelvic floor means:
- You’re able to exercise without pain
- You can run, sneeze, cough, and laugh without leaking urine
- You can return to your baseline after pregnancy
- You do not experience heaviness or pressure in the pelvic region
- Painfree intercourse
Physiotherapy-Based Strategies to Connect with Your Pelvic Floor
1. Diaphragmatic Breathing
Do you usually breathe into your shoulders or your rib cage?
Let’s see…
- Put one hand on your check, then put the other hand on your stomach
- Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth
Where did you breath – chest or stomach?
The breathing strategy that is going to benefit you is to breathe into your stomach (or lower rib cage to be exact) So let’s practice breathing:
- Find a comfortable position where you feel relaxed and supported.
- Inhale slowly through your nose and slowly feel your belly rise (to a count of 4)
- Exhale slowly through your mouth (like you are blowing through a straw) and feel your belly lower (to a count of 6)
- Keep your chest relaxed the entire time and repeat
2. Pelvic Posture
How do you naturally stand? More weight on one side than the other? One leg straight and the other with a knee bent?
Let’s consider your pelvic position and rib cage position. Can you stack your rib cage directly over your pelvic while standing on both legs evenly?
Try to grow 2 inches taller.
Can you engage your pelvic floor by doing what is commonly referred to as a kegel?
When asked to do a kegel, most women squeeze the muscles around their vagina or anus. A proper kegel actually involves a lift component as well. How long can you hold the kegel for and are you able to fully relax your pelvic floor after each contraction?
So…how important is your pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor is a very important part of our body that is often neglected. It is part of our “inner cannister” system along with our diaphragm, deep spinal muscles and inner abdominal muscles that helps to regulate our intra-abdominal pressure. Where there is dysfunction in the pelvic floor it can lead to many common issues mentioned above such as urinary/ fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and painful intercourse. Depending on the issue, most clients report significant improvement or abolishment of their symptoms within just 4-5 sessions.
If you are experiencing any of the pelvic symptoms mentioned, do not wait or hesitate any longer to feel better! Call 403-286-5530 to book your Pelvic Physiotherapy in Calgary NW appointment today.
Frequently Asked Questions about Physio Costs
Photo by We-Vibe WOW Tech on Unsplash