physiotherapy for bell’s palsy calgary nw

Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis that is caused by damage to the nerve that commands the muscles in your face. It frequently originates from an injury to the seventh cranial nerve (the “facial nerve”), which can be affected by tension, whiplash, stroke, or any other type of brain injury. Once identified with Bell’s palsy, you might worry about how to get over it and resume your regular activities.

However, you can recover from this short-lived condition with proper treatment and time. If you are dealing with Bell’s palsy, continue reading for valuable pointers on how to get help with this condition with physiotherapy.

As described below, there are 2 primary types of physiotherapy: general and targeted. General physiotherapy is an effective treatment that focuses on enhancing movement and strength throughout the body; targeted therapies target specific conditions and resolve their symptoms directly through methods such as ultrasound or electrotherapy.

First, Let’s Look At Some Common Reasons and Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy:

  • Muscle pain
  • Neck pain
  • Facial twitches
  • Changed facial expressions
  • Chronic pain
  • Nerve damage
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Sudden weakness
  • Accident injuries
  • Tumours
  • Stroke

General Physiotherapy for Bell’s Palsy

General physiotherapy works on improving movement and strength throughout the body. It can serve to help ease the signs and symptoms associated with Bell’s palsy by beefing up the muscles in your face and improving blood flow to that area; particularly, general physiotherapy can serve to help you handle pain and enhance your ability to eat, talk, and perform other daily activities such as brushing your teeth.

Your physiotherapist may suggest multiple treatment options to address symptoms related to your facial muscles, such as:

  • Cooling your face – This can serve to help to ease discomfort and swelling.
  • Temperature Treatments – Moist heat and cold packs are popular types of temperature therapy.
  • Stimulation – Electrical current provided via a small unit can help to improve strength and alleviate pain.
  • Swallowing and chewing movements – These facial exercises can help you eat better and address swallowing problems.

Targeted Physiotherapy Treatments for Bell’s Palsy

Physiotherapists use targeted techniques such as ultrasound or electrotherapy to specifically address a particular disease and its signs and symptoms. You may also be directed through self-massage treatments, as this has been proven to help patients with Bell’s palsy recover faster. Some common targeted treatments for Bell’s palsy might consist of:

  • Electrical microcurrent treatment – Electrical minor current applied to the surface of the skin can serve to help to alleviate pain and muscle spasms. The intensity of the current can be adapted according to your condition.
  • Manual treatment – Your physiotherapist might use mild pressure on the affected area, which has been proven to relieve discomfort.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) – This treatment uses mild electrical stimulation (with a lower voltage than electrical current treatment) to minimize discomfort.
  • Ultrasound treatment – This has been demonstrated to improve blood circulation to the face and can reduce discomfort.

Exercise to Get Rid of Bell’s Palsy with Physiotherapy

Soon after you’ve been identified with Bell’s palsy and have been recommended physiotherapy, you’ll need to include regular exercises into your daily routine. Some activities might be uncomfortable or maybe achy initially, but these symptoms will diminish as you continue to recover.

Generally, the earlier you begin therapy, the more rapidly you’ll improve.

You can expect to see a significant recovery of function within six to twelve weeks, but it can take up to twelve months for your symptoms to fully subside. Here are some recommended exercises for recovering from Bell’s palsy:

  • Swallowing exercises – These can serve to help you eat much better and address swallowing issues.
  • Muscle stimulation – It can be done with the use of physiotherapy or feedback therapy allowing nerve regeneration and improvement in functionality.
  • Motion exercises – Mild movements such as stretching, walking, and light yoga can promote blood flow to the face and enhance your general health.
  • Massage treatment – Self-massages can help to relieve discomfort and lower stiffness in your face.
  • Cupping treatment – This treatment involves putting suction cups on your skin to enhance blood circulation and ease the pain.

Tips to Help With Bell’s Palsy by Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is typically safe for pregnant women and individuals of any age. Nevertheless, there are some safety measures you’ll need to bear in mind as you get better, such as:

Steer clear of strenuous activities that put excessive tension on your jaw. You’ll likely be limited to light physical exercise initially, however as your signs and symptoms decrease, you can increase the intensity of your exercises.

Steer clear of severe temperatures. Extreme heat or cold can impact blood circulation to your face and intensify your symptoms.

Final Thoughts

Once identified with Bell’s palsy, you may worry about how to overcome it and resume your normal activities. Nevertheless, you can bounce back from this short-term condition with suitable treatment and management. As soon as you have been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy, you should consider a physiotherapy regimen to help improve blood flow to your face and minimize pain and tightness. 

To accelerate the process, make sure to incorporate day-to-day exercises into your regimen. Moreover, avoid severe temperatures, care for your teeth, use a mouth guard, and keep your hands clean. 

With a little effort, you ought to have the opportunity to overcome Bell’s palsy and get back to your healthy life. Contact Market Mall Physiotherapy Calgary NW today to schedule an appointment and start your Bell’s Palsy recovery journey today.

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